A few weeks ago I talked about breastfeeding while pregnant and how difficult but doable it is. WELL let me tell you about tandem breastfeeding. Prior to this time in my life, I had only heard of tandem feeding when talking about twins.

What even is tandem breastfeeding?
Tandem feeding is when you nurse two children at the same time. Now, this can include several situations- feeding twins at the same time, feeding a toddler and an infant, and feeding a toddler and an older child. This also includes nursing one first and then the other or nursing both at the exact same time. Every mother’s experience is different while nursing. I am just going to share my experience both single nursing and tandem breastfeeding.

Nursing two is wild. During my first trimester, my food intake was insane (or so I thought) but that does not compare to the amount of food I consume now feeding two babies. My daughter is now 23 months and loving on her “lechita,” which is what she calls breastmilk. Her 1 month old brother is also a big “lechita” lover.
Tandem Breastfeeding Challenges for Mom
The hardest time for me has been finding a balance with both the kids. Some days it feels like all I do is breastfeed. I switch between one baby and the other. It is exhausting. I am drained (pun intended). Then, my big baby will hold my tiny baby’s hand and I melt like butter. The biggest difficulty which I didn’t foresee is how much my daughter would crave that closeness and how hard that would be for me. Some days, I feel touched out. I just want a minute to myself but my toddler wants to nurse, she wants to be close to me. It is so hard to not hurt them and also take care of yourself. Why can’t moms just have massages all day everyday?

Remember thinking how in the world am I going to eat right now with one baby attached to your body? It only gets harder with two and tandem breastfeeding. The portability of foods becomes increasingly important. Can I eat it with one hand? Yup. Perfect meal. All in all, only you know what you are comfortable with. As long as you and your child/ren are being taken care of by a medical professional to ensure that everyone is okay, continue nursing mama. If you want to wean, consult a lactation consultant on the best way to do so in order to ensure that you don’t hurt yourself in the process.
Concerns for Baby
One of the biggest concerns I had when I was getting ready for tandem breastfeeding nurse was if my tiny baby would get enough milk. Thankfully, breastfeeding is all supply and demand so the more they nurse, the more my body makes and they are both doing super well.
As your kids change and grow, your supply will change too, sometimes jumping up and eventually regulating. A great pair of nursing pads can make this easier for you!
My baby’s pediatrician had me come in a bunch of times to make sure he was gaining enough weight. I am happy to report that he is gaining weight just fine. It is okay to wean. It is okay to continue. It is okay to admit it’s hard. It is okay to admit you need help.

You are all amazing. Whether you bottle feed, breastfeed, or tube feed. Keep babies alive while keeping yourself sane is so hard. Share some weaning tips or encouraging words below for any mama needing advice.

Whether babe has missed a nursing session, is (finally!) sleeping through the night, or you just have too much magical boob-juice producing power, our Overnight Breast...